Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Connected...An Autobiography" Session 5

In what way might the film relate to your content area? Give a concrete example.

This film relates to my content area in two ways. Biology is the study of life and the connections between all that is living. When the video mentions that if one part of the connection is disrupted then the entire network is disrupted, I can’t help but to relate it to the inner-workings of an ecosystem. For example, sea otters were once native to the California channel islands. The Aleutians hunted them to extinction. As a result the sea urchin population grew uncontrollably. The sea urchins ate all the kelp and created what is now known as the urchin barrens. Disrupting one part of the network created an environmental disaster.

The video also illustrates the importance of incorporating all subjects in all classes. Developing connections help students find deeper meaning in their learning. Watching how passionate the film maker was about connections and finding that deeper meaning made me realize how important it is for me to incorporate all subjects in science. I plan on developing more projects that use math, social science, english and the arts to help my students see, develop and find meaning in these interdisciplinary connections.

What questions does it raise?

I want to know a feasible way for us to rethink the way we educate children in public schools. How could we break the mold of traditional segregation of subject areas and teach skill mastery in an interdisciplinary way?

How is your content area interconnected with other content areas?

Science is connected to all subjects. Science involves math, writing, studying social issues and design. I am very fortunate that I teach science because it is easy for me to incorporate all disciplines.

How does an interdisciplinary lens deepen understanding for a “well educated person?”

It allows a well educated person to take and apply all knowledge the learn and experience. A well educated person is an individual who can see all parts of the puzzle. In order for this to happen a person needs to have a strong understanding of all of the components of the puzzle. Experiencing an interdisciplinary education is also important because it allows people to take different approaches to problem solving, innovation and communication by diversifying their points of view. This makes the person a stronger thinker. For instance, if a person is charged with solving a certain problem, if one approach does not work, they will have the tool kit to solve that problem in a different way.

Blogs I have responded to:

Marshall Kratter

Jeff Vangene

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